Greybeard Advisors
Greybeard Advisors - Services


Greybeard doesn’t try to force fit you into a one-size-fits-all consulting engagement. Instead, within our process methodology, we work with you to find the approach that’s the best fit for your unique needs and challenges:

  • Assessment — Assessing the current state of your sourcing and supply chain operation vs. benchmarks and best practices, and assessing the magnitude of improvement and results possible 
  • Transformation Roadmap — Planning the transformation of your processes, practices and culture, and developing the business case

We also provide a wide range of other procurement services either as part of consulting engagements or on a standalone basis.

Executive Workshops and Speaking Engagements

Greybeard also helps to elevate the importance of strategic procurement and supply chain management as key elements of an effective corporate strategy through our executive workshops and speaking engagements.

